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Here we will discuss all the major information on F-35 lighting II :

The Lockheed martin F-35 lightening II is an american family based single seat, single engine, all weather stealth as well as multi role combat aircraft that is intended to perform both air superiority and strike missions.

It has electronic warfare and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities. Lockheed martin is he prime contractor of F-35 with Northrop Grumman and BAE systems.

    By Kaszynzki, Lockheed Martin                              By U.S. Air Force

The aircraft has three main variants: the conventional takeoff and landing F-35A (CTOL), the short take off and vertical landing F-35B (STOVL), and the carrier based F-35C (CV/CATOBAR).


There are eight international program partners — the U.S., United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Norway, Denmark and Canada. Five Foreign Military Sales customers are also procuring and operating the F-35 — Israel, Japan, South Korea, Poland and Belgium. The US may sell f-35 to UAE , according to some media agencies.

The United States is the primary customer and financial backer, with planned procurement of 1,763 F-35As for the USAF, 353 F-35Bs and 67 F-35Cs for the USMC, and 273 F-35Cs for the USN. Additionally, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Canada, Turkey, Australia, Norway, and Denmark have agreed to contribute US$4.375 billion towards development costs, with the United Kingdom contributing about 10% of the planned development costs as the sole Tier 1 partner. The initial plan was that the U.S. and eight major partner nations would acquire over 3,100 F-35s through 2035. The three tiers of international participation generally reflect financial stake in the program, the amount of technology transfer and subcontracts open for bid by national companies, and the order in which countries can obtain production aircraft. Alongside program partner countries, Israel and Singapore have joined as Security Cooperative Participants (SCP). Sales to SCP and non-partner nations are made through the Pentagon's foreign military sales program.Turkey was removed from the F-35 program in July 2019 over security concerns.


1.Advanced electronic warfare (EW) capabilities enable F-35 pilots to locate and track enemy forces, jam radars and disrupt attacks with unparalleled effectiveness. Advanced avionics give the pilot real-time access to battle space information with 360-degree coverage and an unparalleled ability to dominate the tactical environment.

2.The F-35's very low-observable (VLO) stealth allows it to safely enter defended airspace areas without being seen by radars that 4th Generation and earlier legacy fighters cannot evade. The combination of the stealth features, active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar technology, and the aircraft’s ability to carry its full component of weapons stores and fuel internally allows F-35 pilots to engage ground targets at longer ranges without being detected and tracked, using precision-guided munitions and air-to-air radar-guided  missiles to successfully complete air-to-ground missions.

3.The F-35’s integrated sensors, information and weapons systems give pilots an advantage over potential threat front-line fighter aircraft.

4.The F-35’s stealth capabilities are unprecedented in tactical fighter aviation. An integrated air frame design, advanced materials and other features make the F-35 virtually undetectable to enemy radar.

5. The F-35 has the most powerful and comprehensive integrated sensor package of any fighter aircraft in history, giving pilots 360-degree access to “real-time” battlefield information. The information gathered by F-35 sensors can be securely shared with commanders at sea, in the air or on the ground, providing a comprehensive view of ongoing operations.

6.Underpinning the F-35’s unrivaled capabilities is more than 8 million lines of software code – more than four times the amount of the world’s first 5th Generation fighter, the F-22 Raptor.


               By: National Museum of the U.S. Navy

1. It can land vertically. This gives Marines unprecedented flexibility to operate from ships and austere areas.

2. It is stealth. This allows Marines to evade detection and operate in anti-access, aerial denial environments, thus improving lethality and survivability.

3. It has the most advanced sensor package of any fighter jet in history. This allows the pilot to see everything in the battle-space with unprecedented situational awareness.

4. It is supersonic. The F-35B is the world’s only stealth Short Take Off/Vertical Landing airplane that can accelerate to supersonic speeds. In fact, it can reach speeds of 1.6 Mach (1,200 mph) even with a full internal weapons load. This enables Marines to be effective in both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions.

5. It can carry internal and external weapons. This allows Marines to operate in stealth when necessary, or increase lethality with additional weapons externally when the air space is permissive.


By: National Museum of the U.S. Navy
1.The F-35C carrier variant (CV) is the world’s only 5th Generation, long-range stealth strike fighter designed and built explicitly for carrier operations

2.The F-35C variant has larger wings and more robust landing gear than the other variants, making it suitable for catapult launches and fly-in arrestments aboard naval aircraft carriers. 

3.The F-35C also has the greatest internal fuel capacity of the three F-35 variants.

4.The F-35C carries nearly 20,000 pounds of internal fuel for longer range and better persistence than any other fighter in a combat configuration. And, like the F-35B, the F-35C uses probe and drogue refueling. This allows the Navy to operate its carriers a safe distance from the threat while its fighters reach remote targets. 

5.The U.S. Navy is the largest customer receiving F-35Cs.


  1. F-35 A-  US$77.9 M (lot 14)
  2. F-35 B-  US$101.3 M (lot 14)
  3. F-35 C-  US$94.4 M (lot 14)

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